Thursday, August 27, 2009

Fall Campaign is Here!

Ever wanted to be a hero and save hundreds of lives? .... As a leader in the Fall Campaign, you will rally a team to build a water well in Peru, Liberia, or India. Clean water is the #1 need of the global poor, and each water well serves an average of 400 people for at least 20 years!

You can build your team now, fast and give just ONE meal per week for 12 weeks -- that's a total of twelve meals fasted ($10 each), you donate -- we pass 100% on to our partner Generosity Water, who manages the well building projects at $3000 each.

Download the PDFs below to build your team and become a global hero, giving new life and hope to a whole village. ...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

New Fall Program

The more we research global poverty and what can be done to help those in the most need, the more clear it has become that access to clean water is the top issue for the global poor.

Therefore, this fall we are partnering with Generosity Water to build clean water wells in 4 strategic locations (Liberia, Ghana, India, and Peru). In each of these places we can bring life to an entire community for only $3,000.

So this fall we are launching a campaign to bring new life to at least 15 communities in the developing world.

This is how it'll work...

Fall=3 months=12 weeks=12 meals skipped, Meals Out=$10, And we're going to involve our friends (groups of 25)

25 x $10 x 12 = $3,000 = 1 Well

We're looking for groups of 2-3 friends who would agree to be team leaders and would figure out how to build their teams up to 25 people for this fall. It'll be 12 meals over the course of the fall (Sept, Oct, and Nov.) and you're budget won't change a bit. But your sacrifice will change lives and enable more of this (below). Email to get involved.