But when I remember the people we met (like the woman on the left), I am reminded why we're doing it the way we are doing it. By fasting and being uncomfortable for the afternoon, I am forced to remember how good I have it. And regardless of how much I want to complain (and still do), I am confronted by the fact that missing a meal is not even comparable to having to drink muddy water out of a hole in the ground. My hope is that by doing Global Fast, my heart starts to change, so that I actually care more about people in desperate need than I do my own comfort, at least for one meal a week. Its a step towards compassion, something that the world can always use.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Why Fasting?
But when I remember the people we met (like the woman on the left), I am reminded why we're doing it the way we are doing it. By fasting and being uncomfortable for the afternoon, I am forced to remember how good I have it. And regardless of how much I want to complain (and still do), I am confronted by the fact that missing a meal is not even comparable to having to drink muddy water out of a hole in the ground. My hope is that by doing Global Fast, my heart starts to change, so that I actually care more about people in desperate need than I do my own comfort, at least for one meal a week. Its a step towards compassion, something that the world can always use.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Global Fast changes lives in Watts, Ca
The students of Markham Middle School in Watts, Ca walk through drug dealers, prostitutes, and 32 gang territories to get to school. They are told that they need help -- but they proved that their lives can change the world.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
New Global Fast Video
global fast promo [whiteboard] from JJ Starr on Vimeo.
Many thanks to the amazing JJ Starr who put this together. There is a group of 27 students at Pepperdine fasting and praying and giving together to fund a well. They made this video in one of their classrooms...just with drawings on the white board. Awesome, huh?
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
GF Fall Campaign
Fall Campaign is here. Sacrificing 12 meals. Water for 4,000. Done by Christmas. Sign up today. Let's do this!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Fall Campaign is Here!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
New Fall Program

Therefore, this fall we are partnering with Generosity Water to build clean water wells in 4 strategic locations (Liberia, Ghana, India, and Peru). In each of these places we can bring life to an entire community for only $3,000.
So this fall we are launching a campaign to bring new life to at least 15 communities in the developing world.
This is how it'll work...
Fall=3 months=12 weeks=12 meals skipped, Meals Out=$10, And we're going to involve our friends (groups of 25)
25 x $10 x 12 = $3,000 = 1 Well
We're looking for groups of 2-3 friends who would agree to be team leaders and would figure out how to build their teams up to 25 people for this fall. It'll be 12 meals over the course of the fall (Sept, Oct, and Nov.) and you're budget won't change a bit. But your sacrifice will change lives and enable more of this (below). Email michael@globalfast.org to get involved.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
So not only will they get their household necessities but hundreds of people will be drinking clean water because of the Hightowers. This is an amazing example of someone taking their life, their influence, their situation and using for the good of those in most need. Amazing!
What can you do?
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Can You Imagine Drinking This?
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
This Will Change Because of GF Team!

The more people that we get to join us, the more of this we can do!
Two new wells in Uganda save 3,000 lives
Monday, June 15, 2009
Playing for Change -- Virtual Street Music
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Richard Branson fasts for Darfur

We fast in solidarity with the people of Darfur because they do not have a choice. We fast as a personal expression of outrage at a world that has allowed the suffering of millions of innocent people. We fast because as we simply watched, Darfur’s defenceless people were forced into wretched camps where today they are facing starvation and disease. We fast because those in positions of authority who know what is right and just, could and should do more to alleviate their suffering and bring peace, protection, and justice to the people of Sudan.
We fast for Darfur’s courageous people —because we yearn for a world where human rights are respected and a life of dignity is the legacy for every man, woman and child.
Please join us and get involved in supporting the people of Darfur by going towww.fastdarfur.org and taking action.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
New Global Fast Fishing Village in Haiti
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Iraq's Unspeakable Crime: Mother's Pimping Daughters
The world needs your prayers this week ...
:: world headlines ::
Iraq’s Unspeakable Crime: Mothers Pimping Daughters (TIME Magazine)
The US State Department reports that Iraqi leaders are not combating human trafficking. According to one insider trying to break up the trafficking rings: “The buying and selling of girls in Iraq, it’s like the trade in cattle. … I’ve seen mothers haggle with agents over the price of their daughters.”
North Korea: Endless Nuclear Drama (Foreign Policy)
Foreign Policy writer argues for a more ‘comprehensive approach’ to engage North Korea – including a peace treaty, normalization of political relations, and an economic boost. Given the North’s lack of cooperation and consistency, this agenda seems optimistic, but options for real progress are few.
Long Legs of the Crash: 13 Unexpected Consequences of the Financial Crisis
Predicitons include: more government corruption, longer skirts for ladies, we get hip to piggy banks and state schools, some surge in both military and missionaries, economic protectionism makes a comeback, and boomers grasp their desks, refusing to leave.
global fast news >
our movement is partnering with Mosaic and Awaken Humanity to change hearts and save lives around the world: www.globalfast.org/mosaic
Thursday, April 2, 2009
global fast is ...
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Trade deal creates opportunity for Haiti
:: world headlines ::
Madonna to adopt orphan from Malawi As media pundits debate whether Madonna should adopt another orphan, there are 163 million orphans and displaced children in the world. This population would make up the world’s 7th largest nation. Adoption is not perfect, but children deserve families. (for more on orphans, see The Orphan Foundation)
:: global fast news ::
yesterday in Miami, a great crew put on a concert for freedom to raise funds for ending slavery through Global Fast. all funds raised will support rescued victims of human trafficking in Thailand through our partner charity Nightlight Bangkok.
Why Global Fast? Despite the problems of foreign aid through governments, excellent charities can deliver sustainable solutions that don't interfere with economic growth. Basic needs like water and human rights like freedom contribute to a community's ability to grow and support itself. Making a small, regular sacrifice for others will increse your compassion and awareness. join here >
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Global economy hits poor nations hardest.
:: world headlines ::
Fastest growing minor at Cal: Saving the world A minor called “Global Poverty and Practice” is the fastest growing area of study at UC Berkeley. Only two years old, the program boasts over 150 students.
Leaders convene at G20 summit in London Next week’s meeting of twenty nations is expected to push a ‘global stimulus package.’ Leaders will increase IMF loans and other ‘bailout’ packages on a worldwide scale.
Recession hits hard for the global poor. Even as developed nations face economic challenges, the poorest are hit even worse. Millions of people will be pushed back into extreme poverty and hardship.
:: global fast news ::
Watts students sacrifice to give water in Africa. On March 19, students and faculty at Markham Middle School in the infamous Watts neighborhood of Los Angeles fasted and gave to build a clean water well in Liberia.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Fasting Builds a Water Well in Liberia - Generosity Water - Jordan Wagner
Friday, January 23, 2009
Where to build a clean water well?
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Global Fast partner named #1 relief charity
Food For The Poor, the most active charity partner of Global Fast, has recently been named the #1 international aid charity in the US by the Chronicle of Philanthropy. Both in terms of quality of giving, and quantity of giving, Food For The Poor has consistently excelled.
With a year-over-year trend of exceeding 96% efficiency, Food For The Poor is among the most highly efficient charities in the US. This marker means that more than 96 cents of every dollar donated goes directly to the projects that impact the most needy communities of Latin America and the Caribbean.
In December of 2007, the first Global Fast fishing village project was launched with Food For The Poor in Anse d’Hainault, Haiti. To date, the project has provided an ongoing source of economic development and food for a village of more than 1,000 people in one of the more neglected areas of the Haitian coastline.
Global Fast participants went hungry again during 2008 to build another fishing village project that is planned to launch in mid-2009 on the northern coast of Haiti. Both projects provide a source of income, food and sustainable economic development to some of the poorest communities in Haiti.
“We are so pleased to see the continued excellent work of Food For The Poor,” said Rich Halvorson, director of Global Fast. “Their continued service to the poor is an inspiration to our fasters, and to many other charities.”
Established in 1982, Food For The Poor provides nourishing food, safe shelter, necessary medical care, educational materials, support for orphans and the aged, development projects and much more to the poorest of the poor in 16 countries in the Caribbean and Latin America.Food for the Poor Site: www.foodforthepoor.org Food for the Poor press release: http://www.foodforthepoor.org/